Make Your Customers Feel Comfortable
If your customers don’t feel comfortable in or working with your business, they won’t be back. It may seem like common sense, but interactions between customers and your business can have a big impact.
Think about it – whenever you haven’t felt comfortable somewhere, did you return? Doubtful, if you had a choice about it anyway. Customers, like any person, don’t want to be where they aren’t wanted or welcome. They can find places where they are welcomed and they are wanted. They’ll find them, and seek them out, if it isn’t your organization. There’s no point in sticking around if a place doesn’t treat you well.
One business took this lesson to heart. The customer-facing employees knew that their customers may be feeling nervous or apprehensive and they went out of their way to relieve the tension and stress felt by the customers. The employees had empathy, understanding the thoughts and feelings of their customers. They also knew how to make the situation better and more enjoyable for their customers. Customers left feeling as though they had a good experience.
Customers may not remember the words you spoke or the actions you took, but they will remember how you made them feel.